How To Join The CBX6 Owners' Club of Australia

There are so many exciting benefits of joining our club, including:

  • Rides and events
  • Historic/Classic Vehicle Registration (see below)
  • Loan of speciality tools
  • Technical advice
  • Share your enthusiasm with other CBX-6 owners
  • Magazine

To join the CBX Owner’s Club of Australia you will need to register a new account, pay the relevant membership fee and provide the Membership Secretary with your contact details.

We have single or family membership levels. You can pay for one or two years’ membership. Membership is per financial year (1 July to 30 June).

  1. Fill in your details to register a new account
  2. Select the membership level you want and choose ‘register
  3. You can then make your payment via PayPal.

Once paid, you will have access to the ‘members’ page which includes access to the CBX6 Newsletters and Technical Articles.

Note: if you register and don’t pay, your membership will be ‘pending’ in the system. You will need to go to the ‘online’ store to pay your membership or contact the Membership Secretary ( for assistance. You will not be able to access the members page until your membership is paid and activated.

If you join under a family membership, each person has to register individually if they want access to the members page (they must reside at the same address). The primary ‘family member’ should register with the relevant ‘Primary Family Member’ selection. This will generate the correct invoice for one or two years membership. You will also need to enter a ‘group name’ (e.g. the family surname) and then list the other family members under ‘group description’. Other family members should select ‘extra family member – registration only’ when registering. The Membership Secretary will contact the primary member for relevant information before finalising the registration of any extra family members.

Membership payment is due by 1 July of each year (unless you have a 2 year membership).

  • If you are an existing member who has already registered on the website, log in, go to the ‘members‘ page and select ‘view membership‘. Your membership details will be displayed here. Choose ‘upgrade or change membership‘ and a list of membership levels will be shown. Choose the membership you want and pay via PayPal.
  • If your membership has expired, you will not be able to log in. In this case, go to the ‘online store‘ to purchase and pay for your membership. You will need to wait for the Membership Secretary to finalise your membership (which may take a few days).
  • Please do not try to register on the website for a second time – you only need to register once!

If in doubt, contact us!

There is no pro-rata membership rate when joining throughout the year. However, if you are joining in June of the current year, please contact the Membership Secretary who can organise for your membership end date to be updated to reflect the following 30 June year (ie. 13 or 25 months membership).

Register New Account

Choose your membership level


Membership Information

Feel free to contact the Membership Secretary at: if you need help or more information. Please note ‘Membership’ in the subject line of your email.

Once you register on this page an email is automatically sent to our Membership Secretary who will need to finalise your membership. Our Membership Secretary will email you to seek additional membership information. This will include your address, phone number, additional family members (if a family membership) and details of your CBX. Provision of your bike details is optional. We request the build date/month/year, frame number, engine number, carburettor number and colour.

Please be aware that this may take a few days as we are a volunteer-run organisation. Alternatively, come along for a ride and discuss it with one of our team.

In joining or renewing membership of the CBX6 Owner’s Club of Australia you acknowledge and accept the information provided in our Disclaimer.

View our Disclaimer here.

Our Club Magazine

The CBX Files is published quarterly and is available to all financial members via the ‘members’ page. The magazine (around 50 pages) keeps members informed of club events, historical and technical information, parts, classifieds and members stories.

General Meetings

General meetings are held tri-monthly at various locations. The AGM is usually held at the annual rally.

Annual Rally

Generally held in spring and rotates between various states each year.

Historic/Classic Vehicle Registration

Various state governments have introduced special registration schemes for historic or classic vehicles. This often provides reduced registration and insurance costs, but also introduces restrictions on the use of the vehicle. You should see your relevant state’s government website for detailed information.

Generally, these schemes require membership of an incorporated vehicle association such as the CBX6 Club. Some states, like NSW run a ‘log book’ scheme and others, such as Queensland, require the ride to be advertised on the CBX6 Club Website, Newsletter or Facebook page or fit other requirements, such as riding to get repairs.

Feel free to contact the Historic Membership Coordinator at: for further information. Please put ‘Historic Registration’ in the subject line of your email. The response may take a few days as we are a volunteer-run organisation.

  • Victoria – Bikes must be a minimum of 25 years old.
  • NSW, Queensland & South Australia – Bikes must be a minimum of 30 years old.

Related Club Documents

View the CBX6 Club – Special Interest Vehicle (SIV) QLD Guideline here.

To learn more about applications and memberships, get in touch today.

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