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CBX6 Owners’ Club of Australia is proud to host a series of popular events, rallies and rides across Australia. Below you can explore images and videos of the meet-ups and see how much enjoyment they bring our members.

Annual Rally - Brisbane 2024

This rally was held in Mitchelton (Brisbane, Queensland) over the weekend 9-11 August 2024. It was fun – again! A whole bunch of the ‘usual suspects’ rocked up, along with several new members, and some existing members who hadn’t attended before. It was a weekend full of bikes, scenery, food, socialising and maybe a small drink or two. The scenery on the rides was fantastic, whether on the bike, in a car or on the bus. We could see from the Glasshouse mountains across the land to the sea. Wow!  The ‘show n shine’ was a success and the awards dinner saw many attendees going home with a trophy. Some were for the ‘best’ bike, and other awards included the ‘furthest ridden’ to the rally, along with the annual Mr Bean award which is given to someone who does something a bit silly at the rally. It is a highly coveted award! The weekend is always fun, so consider coming to one – bring your bike, your partner, your friend, or just yourself – we are friendly and it is always good to meet new people!

Annual Rally - Bathurst 2023

Another successful rally! Over 70 people shared the fun in Bathurst, NSW over the weekend of 24-27 March. We had a long ride and a short ride each day with the small bus following the short ride for the non-riders (full of fun and frivolity…and maybe some wine…). We travelled across beautiful countryside to historic villages including Sofala, Hill End and Millthorpe. We stopped at various cafes and pubs along the way for morning teas and lunches and also visited the historic Abercrombie House and The National Motor Racing Museum. On Sunday there was a ‘show and shine’ in the morning following by the presentation dinner at night where trophies galore were handed out. And did I say there was food? Needless to say, we are probably all dieting for a little while now.

If you haven’t been before, think about coming next year. Come alone, bring a partner or bring a friend. It is a great weekend with lots of friendly people.

Annual Rally - Bright 2022

The 2020 2021 2022 CBX6 Owners’ Club of Australia’s National Rally finally took place after several COVID-19 cancellations. We all met up in Bright, Victoria and had another great weekend of scenic rides, social events and friendly catch ups.

McLaren Vale Rally South Australia September 2015

The CBX6 Owners’ Club of Australia held it’s 2015 national rally in McLaren Vale, South Australia. This clip is an edited version of the footage taken of the Saturday ride from McLaren Vale to Goolwa and returning via the Old Willunga Road. There were 24 CBX bikes on this run as well as others.

Traralgon Rally Traralgon, Victoria, 24 - 27 October 2014

The CBX6 Owners’ Club of Australia held its National Rally in Traralgon, Victoria in late October 2014. This is a clip of small sections of both rides on the Saturday and Sunday, along with photos of some of the bikes that were there. CBX owners like to modify these bikes so there are some quite “specky” CBX modified bikes to view.

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